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Oak Class

Our class teachers are Mrs Risk and Mrs Long. Mrs Karim support the learning. Children in our class are from Year 1 and Year 2.

Term 1 2023

On 17th October, Oak Class walked to Blagdon Lake for their first trip of the year with Miss Long.  We looked at different species of trees in our local environment.    

On the morning of Wednesday 11th October, Oak Class walked to the village and visited the Luncheon Club members in the Village Club to celebrate the local event of Apple Gifting.  The children really enjoyed handing out a collection of locally grown apples to the village residents. We hope they all enjoyed the songs the children sang.  Thank you to our parent helpers for walking with us.





In Art this term, we have been studying William Morris and using nature to create art in repeated patterns.  We created a printing block and used different coloured paints to produce our own wallpaper.



In History, we have been studying the Wright Brothers and their first successful flight.  Ted was inspired and made a model plane at home.  I think you will agree with us that it is fantastic!









Our Year 1 children have been enjoying Forest Schools on Monday afternoons this term.  With the warmer weather, they have been exploring Tania's Woods and enjoying the new shelter on site.


During a recent DT lesson, Oak Class explored materials to make simple diamond or carp kites.  They came up with a design and drew a picture.  They then used card, dowels, straws, string and decorative materials to create the real thing.



21.3.23 Oak Class joined Yeo Valley staff to plant wildflower plugs and create a meadow.  This was a collaborative activity between Somerset Wildlife Trust and Yeo Valley.  The children will be returning later on in the year to identify species that have made their home there.







8.2.23 Oak Class visited Lyme Regis as part of their topic on Mary Anning and her remarkable fossil discoveries.  In the morning, we visited the Museum which stands on the site of her first home.  We learnt about how fossils form and why so many are found in the rocks and clay around Lyme Regis.   An expert scientist and fossil hunter, Chris Andrew (PGCE), gave a fossil talk which included fossil handling.  In the afternoon we went down to the beach and hunted for our own fossils.



09.11.22 To link in with Oak Class’s science topic on animals and humans, the children were unscrambling letters to spell animal names.  


In our topic Seasonal Change, we became weather reporters. Whilst having continuous provision the children noticed a rainbow and talked about how they were created.  


Here the children created new settings for the bear from our class book ‘The sea saw’. 

04.11.22 - Our Year 2 children enjoyed exploring our new den building equipment and built a creative and strong structure during continuous provision. They showed fantastic teamwork skills and enjoyed reviewing and improving the den.


04.11.22 - In Maths, Year 1 have been using tens frames to solve worded addition problems.


04.11.22 - Our Year 1 children used a variety of different natural objects to make different sounding maracas during continuous provision.


02.11.22 - As part of our new English journey, the children have brought in their favourite and most treasured bear from home. The book we are looking at is called The Sea Saw by Tom Percival.


01.11.22 - In Maths, we have been building our knowledge of how to use Rekonreks to support us when solving addition calculations.

21.10.22 - Book & Tell: Grace shared Black Beauty as a Favourite Classic.

17.10.22 - In Science, we have been sorting animals into different groups.


30th March 2022



21st March 2022

We had a visitor in Class 2 today.  A member of our local community came to talk to the children about Christianity, linked to our RE topic.


16th March 2022

Today, the children explored their ideas of what an engineer does and what they look like.  Becoming engineers themselves, they designed and made their own boats in groups before testing out their prototypes.


15th March 2022

Year 1 investigated weight for their Maths lesson.  They weighed different items and wrote their conclusions on their whiteboards.



10th March 2022

We looked at the UK for our Geography topic, Countries and Capitals.

9th March 2022

In our DT lesson today, we investigated wheels and axles. Lots of working together, group thinking and construction skills on display.




7th March 2022

Do you know your contractions?  We have been practising today in our English lesson.

2nd March 2022

Year 2 focussed on creating 2D and 3D shapes.  Fantastic results everyone.



1st March 2022

We have been busy making spaceships in English, linked to our reading book Lights On Cotton Rock by David Litchfield.   


16th February 2022

Year 1 went outside today to learn about counting in 5s.   All together now  5, 10, 15, 20, 25 .....


10th February 2022

We created some amazing Kandinsky inspired pictures for Art.


3rd February 2022

We focussed on 'Working As A Team' in Jigsaw this week.  We designed imaginary birds, drew them and then created models of the birds. 


Huge congratulations on this amazing bird design below, that won a Headteacher Award for being so creative and accurate in modelling! 

28th January 2022

The children learnt to sing the 'Continent Song' and matched the shape of each continent to its name.


Year 2 have been learning how to interpret and create tally charts in our maths learning. This week we took our learning outside to create a tally chart to show which vehicles drive past Blagdon School


